A project by
Art Circulation

La création artistique comme vecteur de transformation : entre savoir intergénérationnel et recontextualisation de l'humain dans son environnement

La chorégraphe et artiste pluridisciplinaire Lara Kramer rencontre l’avocate, écrivaine et musicienne Sabaa Khan pour une discussion autour des parcours personnels (mère, créatrice, fille, petite-fille) en lien avec la créativité. Les invitées seront accompagnées de l'animatrice Marie-Claire Forté.


carte mentale

Land As Pedagogy: Nishnaabeg Intelligence and Rebellious Transformation

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

« This story serves as an important reminder: by far the largest attack on Indigenous Knowledge systems right now is land dispossession, and the people that are actively protecting Nishnaabewin are not those at academic conferences advocating for its use in research and course work, but those that are currently putting their bodies on the land. »

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

United Nations

« Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons. »

Body: An Acknowledgement

Quill Christie-Peters

« Body, you are the conduit of creation. Through hands we mark our worlds, through tongue we speak and sing. We can reach into the stars and birth worlds here on earth. To be Anishinaabeg is to exist within a continuum of creation, each world creating a web that holds us all, each world just as important as the next. To be Anishinaabeg is to reject hierarchy in all its forms, to exist in multiplicities that cannot be named. »

La mère et la fille de Lara Kramer

Stefan Petersen

Ida Baptiste, la mère de Lara Kramer, et sa fille Ruby Caldwell Kramer sont en train de créer des hochets en peau.

Legally Sculpting a Melting Arctic: States, Indigenous Peoples and Justice in Multilateralism

Sabaa Khan

« In this context of historical subjugation and contemporary existential threat, ensuring justice in Arctic multilateralism is more relevant than ever to avoid the development of international legal and cooperative frameworks that disproportionately concentrate power in state actors to the detriment of Indigenous sovereignty and the right to self-determination. »

Jamestown from the Lighthouse

Sabaa Khan

Biodiversité et droits des femmes

Sabaa Khan & Shi Tao Zhang

« Face à la triple crise de la perte de biodiversité, des changements climatiques et de la violence sexuelle et sexiste, les femmes et les filles du monde entier sont confrontées quotidiennement à des violations de leurs droits fondamentaux. »

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