Land As Pedagogy: Nishnaabeg Intelligence and Rebellious Transformation
« This story serves as an important reminder: by far the largest attack on Indigenous Knowledge systems right now is land dispossession, and the people that are actively protecting Nishnaabewin are not those at academic conferences advocating for its use in research and course work, but those that are currently putting their bodies on the land. »
SourceLa mère et la fille de Lara Kramer

Ida Baptiste, la mère de Lara Kramer, et sa fille Ruby Caldwell Kramer sont en train de créer des hochets en peau.
SourcePatti Smith’s Eternal Flame
Patti Smith quote "The thing that bothered me the most was when I had to return to the public eye in ’95 or ’96 when my husband died. We lived a very simple lifestyle in a more reclusive way in which he was king of our domain. I don’t drive, I didn’t have much of an income, and without him, I had to find a way of making a living. Besides working in a bookstore, the only thing I knew how to do was to make records—or to write poetry, which isn’t going to help put your kids through school. But when I started doing interviews, people kept saying “Well, you didn’t do anything in the 80s,” and I just want to get Elvis Presley’s gun out and shoot the television out of their soul. How could you say that? The conceit of people, to think that if they’re not reading about you in a newspaper or magazine, then you’re not doing anything.
SourceRéappropriation acte 1
Dans l’imaginaire collectif, la maternité rime souvent avec bonheur et célébration de la vie. Pourtant, la quête de la parentalité, l’expérience de la grossesse, de l’accouchement et du post-partum n’est pas toujours aussi idyllique. La parentalité n’échappe pas aux contradictions de notre société actuelle où liberté, capacité, avancées médicales et productivité s’entrechoquent. Depuis quelques années, de nombreuses personnes osent partager leurs histoires, leurs parcours en procréation médicalement assistée (PMA), leurs vécus d’accouchements difficiles et d’expériences traumatiques comme la fausse-couche ou la mortinaissance. Des voix s’élèvent de divers milieux pour nommer certaines pratiques comme étant des formes d’abus ou de violences gynécologiques et obstétricales, appelant à repenser les approches. Les conditions d’accouchement ont été à nouveau un sujet d’actualité et de débat de société dès le début de la pandémie, durant laquelle des milliers de femmes ont accouché en solitaire : diverses méthodes d’accouchement ont momentanément été empêchées, montrant ainsi que la maternité demeure un terrain de revendications féministes et un terreau fertile de réflexions.
“Being a mother entails an enormous amount of repetitive tasks. I became a maintenance worker. I felt completely abandoned by my culture because it didn’t have a way to incorporate sustaining work” -Mierles Ukeles
SourceDémarche de Kim-Sanh Chau
Chorégraphe active depuis 2015, j’ai à ce jour, présenté mes pièces au Québec et en Asie du Sud-Est, en théâtre (MAI, Tangente, SIDance Corée) et en galerie (L’Arsenal, The Factory Vietnam). J’ai aussi une activité en tant que travailleuse culturelle, interprète et réalisatrice vidéo. Bien que d’apparence dispersée, ces quatre pans sont en réalité combinés et dirigés vers l’accomplissement de ma démarche professionnelle. Ainsi, mon travail scénique et vidéo se concentre sur la création d’onirismes, ancrés dans un passé aux identités colonisées et un futur fictionnel et fantasmé. Ces processus sont la fois vecteurs d’échappées, et de révélations. Un profond souci d’équité, d’antioppression, et surtout de partage et de collaboration, anime l’ensemble de mes actions. En surface, je crée et diffuse mes pièces, puis sous les flots je tisse des projets secrets, dont une chaine souterraine de dialogues entre artistes en danse du Tiers-Monde et un site web éphémère recensant des œuvres censurées.
SourceAbout Montréal Steppers
Founded in 2019, Montreal Steppers is a group that is committed to the art form of step. Stepping is a style of dance that uses the body as an instrument to create rhythms, sounds, beats through foot stomps, claps and chants. Focusing on values of teamwork, discipline, character building, black history and resilience, we allow participants the opportunity to learn step, experience success and use their bodies to tell their own story.
SourcePRÉAMBULE 21.22 | 6 : Châu Kim Sanh (Équivoc’) - BLEU NÉON
Dans un Vietnam lointain et fictionnel, se croisent des échos de musique pop sur cassettes et de rap vietnamien actuel. Châu Kim Sanh y traverse des états de corps générés par la présence de néons colorés.
SourceTeju Cole et Krista Tippett : On Being with Krista Tippett
Writer and photographer Teju Cole says he is “intrigued by the continuity of places, by the singing line that connects them all.” He attends to the border, overlap and interplay of things — from Brahms and Baldwin to daily technologies like Google. To delve into his mind and his multiple arts is to meet this world with creative raw materials for enduring truth and quiet hope. Teju Cole is a photography critic for The New York Times and the Gore Vidal Professor of the Practice of Creative Writing at Harvard. His books are Blind Spot, a book of photography and writing; a collection of essays, Known and Strange Things; and two novels: Open City and Every Day Is for the Thief. This interview is edited and produced with music and other features in the On Being episode “Teju Cole — Sitting Together in the Dark.”
SourceJulia set animated by traversing the cardioid of the Mandelbrot set, projected on the 1/c-plane
Concepts: Chaos vs. Complex Systems
Advances in the scientific study of chaos have been important motivators/roots of the modern study of complex systems. There exists some confusion about the relationship of chaos and complexity. Chaos can be more or less strictly defined. A reasonably strict definition is that chaos deals with deterministic systems whose trajectories diverge exponentially over time. This property is expected to be found in the behavior of complex systems. However, how it can be related to various properties of complex systems continues to be an important area of research. Models of chaos generally describe the dynamics of one (or a few) variables which are real (ie represented by a decimal number). Using these models some characteristic behaviors of their dynamics can be found.
SourceDancers’ health in a globalizing, postmodern dance world
"As pedagogical and choreographic practices are quickly diversifying, this may be a crucial time to rethink, for example, the composition of the requisite daily technique class. (Do all dancers still “take a daily class”?) Perhaps we are ready to collectively agree on one new idea: that in the wake of globalization and post-colonialism there is no longer the possibility of a single utopian “neutral” or “basic” way of training all dancing bodies (and minds)."
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